Montag, 23. Januar 2012

Thermographic camera

A thermographic camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. Buy Extech iThermal Imaging Camera - Part# IRC(Discontinued by Manufacturer): Thermal Imagers - Amazon. The main reason is bad insulation, which can be measured with thermographic cameras. Find great deals on for Thermal Imaging Camera in Electrical Test Equipment. Thermal Imaging Camera Attachment for iOS and Android.

Explore the world around you in ways you never thought possible. Scan, visualize and analyze temperatures of mechanical equipment and electrical systems quickly and accurately.

These thermography cameras and infrared camera modules measure two-dimensional temperature distributions in a fast and non-contact process. Get the infrared cameras that are built on 65+ years of industrial experience. Each camera is built without compromise to the Fluke standard of ruggedness, .

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