Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

Euro containers

ISO-Container sind genormte Großraumbehälter (Seefracht-Container, engl. freight containers).

Längere Container erhöhen noch nicht die Packungsdichte mit Euro-Paletten (von 1cm × cm). Diese können darin nur mit einer Querreihe . Large selection of euro stacking containers and boxes with and without lids. Strong, heavy duty plastic containers which can be securely stacked. Euro Containers is an ISO 9001: 20Certified company and manufacturers of high-precision, high-quality packaging containers for the past two decades.

Ideal for all industrial applications, our Euro boxes offer stable stacking and . View our range of storage stacking solutions including our Euro Containers. Exporta Global is the best value fastest product export supplier in the UK. Industrial quality Heavy Duty Euro Stacking Plastic Containers and Stacking Boxes with without lids.

Stable stacking for good protection of contents. Weiteres Bild meldenMelde das anstößige Bild.

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