Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014

Servo actuator

The IMA is a compact, integrated linear servo actuator in ball and roller screw configurations that provides forces up to 68lbf (3 kN). Comprehensive Range of Products Technologies. Actuators or Servoactuators are used as a mechanism to induce or control motion in mechanical systems.

The automation market is very cost driven. It is important that producers benefit from highest flexibility in their machines to shorten the . This is the steering actuator of a large robot vehicle. A servomechanism, sometimes shortened to servo, is an automatic device that uses .

A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. Servos, Actuators for medical, automotive and aircraft applications. Aktuatoren für die Medizin und Automobiltechnik sowie Luftfahrt Anwendungen. These products provide flexible servo control through . The Group comprises eight pacesetting Business Units with separate subsidiaries: for servo gearheads, servo actuator systems, medical technology, miniature .

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