Montag, 6. Oktober 2014

Thorlabs nd filter

Thorlabs offers both Absorptive and Reflective Neutral Density Filters in unmounted and mounted designs, with optical densities from 0. Thorlabs offers reflective neutral density filters, absorptive neutral density filters, and variable reflective neutral density filters. Thorlabs offers both continuously variable and step variable ND filters.

Round filters are available unmounted or mounted. Thorlabs' Reflective and Absorptive Neutral Density (ND) Filter Kits offer our most popular filters prepackaged in convenient metal storage boxes. Please note that Thorlabs Neutral Density filters are not designed as laser safety equipment. For lab safety, Thorlabs offers an extensive line of safety and .

Absorptive Neutral Density Filters, AR Coated: 10- 16nm. These circular, continuously variable reflective neutral density filters provide linear, adjustable attenuation within the coated region via rotation. Roun Continuously Variable, Neutral Density Filter Wheels for Cage Systems,mm Cage Components. Thorlabs offers reflective neutral density (ND) filters made from UV fused silica substrates with Inconel coatings deposited on one side.

Rectangular, Continuously Variable, Metallic Neutral Density Filters,Variable ND Filters. Although these are reflective ND filters, the Inconel coating does absorb some. To prevent oxidation, Thorlabs recommends using these ND filters at . The mounted versions of our step variable neutral density filters come with angular graduations and are mounted on a rotating axle.

Thorlabs Unmounted Absorptive ND Filter : Camera Photo. Thorlabs Circular Continuously Variable ND Filter Ømm OD: 0-2. NDC-50C-2-A in Business Industrial, Healthcare, Lab Life Science, Lab Equipment . Absorptive Neutral Density (ND) Filters for measuring instruments in light control setups and exposure control in imaging are available at Edmund Optics. ND(減光)フィルタをマウント付きまたはマウント無しでご用意しております。 吸収型NDフィルタは、可視(VIS)域もしくは近赤 . Mounted Continuously Variable ND Filter, Ømm, OD: 0-2.

This ThorLabs ND20A Mounted Reflective Ømm ND Filter has an optical density of 2. AR-Coated Neutral Density Filter, 350-7nm, OD: 0. Filters Ømm Unmounted Absorptive ND Filters, AR-Coated: 3- 7nm NE06B-A . ThorLabs Unmounted Ømm Absorptive ND Filter, Optical Density: 0. Pinterest works best if you switch to our Android-friendly app. Thorlabs提供吸收型和反射型Neutral Density Filters濾光片裝框和未裝框兩種設計.

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